Solar Protocol

A naturally intelligent network.

This website is hosted across a network of solar powered servers and is sent to you from whichever server is in the most sunshine.

Presently you are on a server called Rhizome that is located in West Coast, Los Angeles, USA.

Server Battery:
City: Los Angeles
Country: USA
Local time: 04:34 PM
Weather: n/a
Temp: n/a ° C
Feels like: n/a ° C
Sunrise: n/a
Sunset: n/a
Last update: 04:34 PM in TZ Los Angeles
Battery Level: 99.0%
Battery Voltage: 13.92 volts
PV Power: 7.37 watts
PV Voltage: 20.74 volts
PV Current: 0.35 amps
Load Power: 3.48 watts
Load Voltage: 13.92 volts
Load Current: 0.25 amps

Solar Protocol Program Announcements

Spring, 2023

Sun Thinking

We are please to announce, Sun Thinking, the first exhibition to be launched on the Solar Protocol Network in Spring of 2023.

Sun Thinking is an online exhibition that brings together artists and writers to explore some of the themes and questions central to the Solar Protocol Project. It includes new commissioned work alongside experimental projects and texts that critically and playfully explore the qualities and characteristics of solar power as medium, the materiality of computation, life within planetary limits, and environmental perspectives on intelligence.

Exhibition Launch: April 22nd, 12pm-2pm EST.
Format: Hybrid. Event held in person in New York City and online. Register via eventbrite.

Artists and Contributors:

Hakeem Adam, honor ash, Stephanie Dick, Marloes de Valk, Rory Gillen and Anna Madeleine Raupach, Felix Lenz, Mark Anthony Hernández Motaghy, Jen Liu, Kristin Lucas and Joe McKay, Anne Pasek, Allison Parrish, Everest Pipkin, Brian Sutherland, Roopa Vasudevan, Denzel Wamburu and Alice Yuan Zhang.

Curatorial Team:

Tega Brain, Alex Nathanson, Benedetta Piantella and Kate Silzer.

Exhibition web design by Samantha Seurynck Griffith.

Supported by a 2022, Mozilla Creative Media Award.