Solar Protocol

A naturally intelligent network.

This website is hosted across a network of solar powered servers and is sent to you from whichever server is in the most sunshine.

Presently you are on a server called Solar Power for Artists that is located in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, USA.

Server Battery:
City: Brooklyn
Country: USA
Local time: 06:50 AM
Weather: n/a
Temp: n/a ° C
Feels like: n/a ° C
Sunrise: n/a
Sunset: n/a
Last update: 06:50 AM in TZ New York
Battery Level: 76.0%
Battery Voltage: 13.22 volts
PV Power: 0.0 watts
PV Voltage: 0.86 volts
PV Current: 0.0 amps
Load Power: 2.77 watts
Load Voltage: 13.22 volts
Load Current: 0.21 amps